
Showing posts from August, 2020

Announcing the Nvidia 2180...?

 Or will it be the 3080?  Okay, full disclosure, I could end up looking like a complete idiot here. I have no sources, and this comes from nothing other than my own observations. But Nvidia and the entirety of the tech press are blowing my mind.  Points for 30 series The entirety of the tech press from what I can see has accepted the conclusion that Ampere will be the 30 series of Geforce GPUs. This makes a lot of sense, since there was the 10 series, then there was the 20 series, now there's going to be the 30 series, right? It also sounds better. "Thirty Eithty" and "Thirty Ninety" sound a lot better than "twenty-one eithty" and "twenty-one ninety". There's also the fact of the Micron document that showed it being called the 30 series. That's an official document and couldn't be wrong, right? There are also cooler prototypes with the 30 series name written on them.  Img Src: Videocardz: